Sunday 25 October 2015


        Nature, Is not plain, it is colourful. Plants, animals, birds, flowers found in nature talk silently. It’s up to us to understand their feelings. It’s said that 'silence speaks when words can't '. We need the beautiful eyes to see the beauty of nature.
The colours in the nature makes the mind fresh, gives us the power to think beautifully. We are blessed with the beautiful nature, the green plants, the fresh flowing rivers and the bouquet of flowers, the roaring waterfalls and the whole nature helps us to know our selves.
There are many beautiful birds and animals, and in my garden I found a yellow coloured Dung Beetle playing upon a yellow flower. I found it so refreshing that I captured it. The Dung Beetle made me realize the beauty of the nature and the creation of god. 

Saturday 24 October 2015


Every human being starts and ends their life in home. People love to be at home and spend time with family members. Home is a place where people rest. For us it’s very easy to build a house because of technology and new equipment’s.
Similarly all other creations need a home to stay in. A bird takes a long time to build its home with great difficulty. It carries sticks and particles of mud from different places in its peak and feather to build a nest. Most of the birds build and incubates its eggs in the nest. Different birds build different shaped nests. Many poets have written poems which express the hard work of a bird in building its nest.
Every bird will not build new nests. Some birds build new one every year, but some renovate the old nests. Though the nests are primarily used for breeding, they may also be reused in the non-breeding season for roosting. In the nest bird starts their life. We human beings also start our life from home but our home is safer when compared to their home. They build nest in between the branches of tree which may get destroyed anytime. So life of newly born bird is at risk. In most species, the female does most or all of the nest construction, though the male often helps. 
In some polygynous species, however, the male does most or all of the nest building. The nest may also form a part of the courtship display such as in weaver birds. The ability to choose and maintain good nest sites and build high quality nests may be selected for by females in these species.

As a bird takes a lot of difficulties to build a nest, we human being should not destroy the nest because it’s their home. Before destroying a nest we should think that destroying a nest of bird is similar to destroying our own house.

Me and My Thoughts!!

Polished mind and positive thinking has a huge impact on our life. We mostly tend to understand the little language around us inappro...