Sunday 9 June 2019

Me and My Thoughts!!

Polished mind and positive thinking has a huge impact on our life. We mostly tend to understand the little language around us inappropriately and our thought process is lead in a wrong direction.

Intimacy need not be only touching n rubbing against bodies, it’s between souls. Relationships are not only when they are in a personal relationship, it can be between a people with whom you are conversing right now.

In the process of writing this small piece, conveying my ideas we are in a relationship of a writer and reader, here I’m willing to involve you in my thought process. You are reading my thoughts and somewhere we have created a relationship of some sort.

When we come across the words like boyfriend, girlfriend, relationship, intimacy we need to assume it in a broad sense unless taking it in a intense mind, these words indicating relationship create some sort of emotional bonding between the people which need not be physical.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

When I want to live my life by my own!!

Being independent, self reliable and strong!!!

It takes a lot to be self sustaining and courageous. Every finger will be pointed at you when you speak your heart out. You find more criticisms than encouragement. But to live a happy life at your own terms takes a lot of determination.

One needs to be self motivated to live the life of independence. Your thoughts and life style need anything.. Is that what I am doing will yield me satisfaction? You yourself to be positive and you should always question self before you gonna do need to be satisfied first at your acts and virtues than others around you.

Always carry a positive vibration within you.

Wednesday 14 December 2016


A cool morning makes you awaken late and lazy but if you wake up at your early time it will keep you fresh energetic and refreshed throughout the day.

Due to the Vardah tropical storm at Tamil Nadu and Andra Pradesh we can also feel the outcome of it with the cool weather with misty and dim morning as it is complimented by the winter season. This weather with drizzling rain fall is reminding me of the rainy days of June and July where the climate makes you more lazy and food addicted. The hot sun has disappeared from the sight for two days and I could not even find him at least once.

I love this endure as there is no irritation of tiredness to mind and body, and also it is giving me an opportunity to pen down my thoughts.

Tuesday 16 August 2016


Colors make us happy and make nature look simply great. Nature not only gives the living creatures food to survive but also a peace of mind to live. There are number of trees, flowers, plants and animals in nature with different colors representing the uniqueness of the nature. 

Flowers especially in the nature are mesmerising to the eyes. They can feed a heart broken with so much love and courage. There can be 'few' who may hate the beauty of nature.

Flowers symbolize calmness, love, care and happiness. Every person in this world would like to be like flower which bloom with all its energy and positivity. Our tradition gives so much importance to flowers, on every occasions, In our Indian society they makes everything beautiful. It refreshes the mind and gives happiness to the soul. 

Monday 25 April 2016

My love towards ICE CREAM

Ice cream is a food which I am fond of eating. Ice cream derived from earlier iced cream, is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It is usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors. Every person in this world will have a thing which they love the most.  People are fond of items like ice cream, sweets, fruits, Chinese food, etc.

To tell about one among my favourite food, I love it most, I have it at least once in 15 days and it’s my ice-cream. I love ice-cream a lot. Sometimes I even spend lots of money or sometimes I waste time by travelling just to have an ice-cream. If my friend asks what treat I shall give, the first thing I tell is ice-cream. Ice-cream has become as a part of my life.
By having more ice-cream my health usually spoils but I still have it because love ice creams a lot.


Mistakes are common. Everyone commits mistake. 
We as human being commit mistake which either  hurt others or  hurt ourselves.
Mistakes are forgiven when they are done unintentionally. But sometimes we commit them intentionally!!!!
Sometimes we do something which in-turn becomes a fault and hurts the other person as their opinion might be different, sometimes they are unintentional. Every human being should be careful with regards to their words and actions as we are social beings.
It's necessary that we need to learn from our mistakes so that we over come them 
and commit some new ;-) .


Abdul Kalam said to have anything in reality we should dream. Every person will have good dreams but it is very difficult to achieve. Dream can be said as a new planet because it has an unconditional border. It means a person can dream to any extent. People become doctors, lawyers, politicians in dreams and some are eternal. 

According to me dream is something where we can enjoy our life. On the other hand dreams also are scary. Some people who believe in evils and think about them will also get bad scary dreams. People even some time wake up at night and shout because of bad dreams.

Dreaming is not bad but hard work is needed to achieve that dream. To tell about my dream I have a dream of becoming a HR manager where I will get opportunity to interact, recruit, train and understand  people. So I am working hard on it, in support to it I will be opting HR as my specialization subject.

To conclude I would like to tell that dreaming is not bad in support there is also a need for hard work to catch them. Each and every person should dream big.

Me and My Thoughts!!

Polished mind and positive thinking has a huge impact on our life. We mostly tend to understand the little language around us inappro...