Tuesday 15 December 2015

Ek Pal To Ab Hamein JEENE DO!!!

    The Maestro, the student association of marketing of our college every year conducts various competitions to the students of the Institute especially to the 1st years. Various competitions like short movie, brand war, etc. are conducted every year to show the students their creativity and exhibit their talents.

   Jeene Do is a short movie shoot by my class that is 1st MBA “B” sec, JKSHIM, Nitte. Other two sections of 1st year also shoot the movies A Sec ‘Ummed’ and C Sec ‘Ehesas’. Jeene Do movie is dedicated to the girls and women who are trapped in prostitution. It is the story of the girls or women who are trapped in the prostitution, how do they get in to prostitution. There what are the situations, problems faced by them. The environment inside the prostitution racket is highlighted in the movie.

   A girl is not only got into prostitution with her own will and consent. Most of the times in the prostitution girls are brought in by kidnapping, by fooling and trapping. When a girl is into prostitution we do not know what are her feelings and emotions, what does she feels. People around her will only comment at her.

   In this short movie at the end NGO comes as the ‘Light of Life’ to all the girls, here we show how the NGO helps all the girls who were trapped by prostitution racket are brought out and given a good job and helps to live their life happily.

     So as a human being stop making gender discrimination. Think girls as our sisters and love and respect them as same as we do with our mother and sister. Our government is also working hard to stop rape cases and prostitution, let’s all join hands and stop rapes and make girl as a free bird in the society. As the citizens of India we should take the responsibility of making India a safe and ever flourishing nation and fulfill the dream of Gandhiji that any girl must be able to walk  fearlessly at night 12 O’clock on the streets of our county. 

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