Sunday 20 December 2015


Wonderful eyes reflects our visual ability, how we look at things around us i.e., nature which includes plants, animals, birds and all the beautiful creations of god. It is not only of looking and enjoying but we have the duty to protect and conserve our nature. Time spent in nature is so precious, it cannot be earned back, and only the memories will remain with us. We can learn so many things from nature. Nature has provided man with different creatures carrying the extreme level of uniqueness.
God gave me my vision; you can’t see what I see. To feel the way I feel you need to look through my eyes and See what I See. I guess it’d had no sense if we all had the same vision. We may look at the nature around us with different visions but our ultimate goal should be to protect our nature. Actual meaning of nature lies in the villages. Nature is the home for all big organisms and small creatures. In the past villages were the usual forms of community for societies that practice substinance agriculture. Now the villages are the real face of India. In villages of India we can actually see the reality of the nature which is our heritage.
To conclude, the nature around us is so beautiful that rejoices our eyes and makes our mind fresh. Here we have to protect heritage of our villages which includes nature plants and animals. We need to have a unique vision and bring a positive difference to our society.

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