Tuesday 15 December 2015


Why do I have made this sentence..??
Yes I am talking about the way how I became brand loyal to Colgate. 
Brand loyalty is the tendency of some consumers to continue buying the same brand of goods rather than competing brands. Consumers become committed to a single brand and make repeated purchases over time. Loyal customers will consistently purchase products from their preferred brands, regardless of convenience or price.

I do not like to prefer any other brands when it comes to toothpaste. I like to use the Colgate strong teeth or cavity protection toothpaste. But if it's not available I may be compromised to use any other Colgate flavor. But if I don't get Colgate product in the shop I don't think twice. I just come back or I will go to any other shops in finding of Colgate toothpaste. Now if in any situation where I’m not able to get Colgate I really miss the taste and the freshness given by Colgate toothpaste. Soon after I get back I do brush my teeth with Colgate again to get that satisfaction.

To conclude, every market should not only focus on marketing their product but they should also build loyal customers. The main thing in every business is customer, and marketer need to keep in mind that one’s a customer is lost, he is lost forever. So marketer need to concentrate on customer needs and make customer as a loyal customer. So every business depends on how loyal customers are towards a particular brand or product.

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