Sunday 13 December 2015


Last Saturday evening when I was walking back home from the Institute, I was walking horridly and was literally running. On the way I found 1000 rupees note. I thought as it is someone else's money and not to grab it. Later I thought instead of someone else picking it up and misusing, I may be the right person to pick it and use it in a proper way. 

First I thought of buying clothes or necessary things for me. Then I thought of going out with my friends. Then I thought of giving the money to some needy who is really in need of money. All the thoughts were running in my mind and then I became restless. My instinct was not agreeing me to spend the money for shopping or enjoying with friends. But my desire for shopping and enjoying was also very high. There was a clash my mind and instinct.

As the money which I was holding in my hands was not belonging to me so I thought it was against the moral values to use someone else’s money. Then I was thinking how to use that money effectively. Here I found the 4 kids by the side of the road playing in a guava tree and plucking the fruit and eating. I felt those were hungry and asked them, they told they were hungry. So I took them to nearby small hotel and purchased healthy meal for them. I could sense the happiness from their satisfaction.

          But I could spend only 250 for the kids. I had Rs. 750 with me then. Then in the bus stand I found a beggar who was really unable to work and earn his daily living. I gave him 300 bucks. Then Rs. 450 was remaining, I gave it to the Samvedana Committee of our Institute, which is working hard for the betterment of the society around our institute and helping poor and needy.

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