Monday 25 April 2016


Abdul Kalam said to have anything in reality we should dream. Every person will have good dreams but it is very difficult to achieve. Dream can be said as a new planet because it has an unconditional border. It means a person can dream to any extent. People become doctors, lawyers, politicians in dreams and some are eternal. 

According to me dream is something where we can enjoy our life. On the other hand dreams also are scary. Some people who believe in evils and think about them will also get bad scary dreams. People even some time wake up at night and shout because of bad dreams.

Dreaming is not bad but hard work is needed to achieve that dream. To tell about my dream I have a dream of becoming a HR manager where I will get opportunity to interact, recruit, train and understand  people. So I am working hard on it, in support to it I will be opting HR as my specialization subject.

To conclude I would like to tell that dreaming is not bad in support there is also a need for hard work to catch them. Each and every person should dream big.

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