Monday 25 April 2016


When we human being hear the word love, we think the love of a boy and girl or man and women. People think love is only restricted towards couple. But in real world love is not to that extent, it has a wider scope, it includes love between friends, siblings, parent and siblings.

Love is unconditional because different people at different time express their love differently. Some people are even ready to give their life to help a person whom they love. According to me the feeling of heart will be within the hearts. We can tell that if people love others from heart it’s a true love because many people love others just to say that they love others it may be fake love.
Love is not only between human beings. Even animals birds love each other and they also love human beings. Many people keep animals as pet, the main reason behind this is they love each other.

So to conclude i would like to tell that the scope of love is wide and unconditional. We should feel open to tell others when we love them and suppose we love others we should keep them happy.

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