Monday 25 April 2016


Life is crazy, in life people run behind everything. money, happiness, health, sociability etc. Life seems to be simple but we make it complicated by so many expectations. But ‘the most important thing is to be happy and enjoy life’ says Audrey Hepburn. To be happy we should live in the present moment and take whatever comes to our way as a challenge. It is not to be crazy behind anything, life is to be creating you and being happy.
The moment we live in make the life worth living. We not only should be happy but we should always spread happiness around us, we should make all the faces around us happy. But we can know that ‘the truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed’ in the words of Eminem. We should always try to live in our limits and enjoy life to the fullest.

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