Friday 1 January 2016


My experiment on these seven days was to update my blog and to improve my communication skills like writing and speaking in proper English. I had a dream of writing articles and poems. And always I used to just dream and never used to write anything. On these days I seriously thought of updating my blog, even while speaking I concentrated on the language which I used to speak and I started to speak in English always.

On the second day and I made some free time specially to update my blog. I thought so much and started to look at the pictures which I clicked recently. A thought ran into my mind. “Why don’t I write something on the pictures I have clicked recently?”
I even started to read the newspaper seriously so that I can strengthen my English.

Third day of my experiment, I wrote two articles in my blog in a word document that is Birds Paradise and Colourful Dung Beetle. Both the pictures used in the blog are clicked by me at my home when I was roaming around in my garden. To write the blog I even googled some articles and quotes from the internet and I could seriously gain some important knowledge regarding writing skills.

Today I tried to listen to people speaking as it is also an effective communication skill. I tried writing some more articles so I thought the topic Ettin 2015. I recalled all the memories of Ettin and also approached seniors to know the background of Ettin so that can give a clear picture about the Ettin college fest. This seven day experiment also helped me to use my brain to the fullest in thinking seriously.

It was the fifth day of my experiment on myself for self-improvement and I felt as though I have gained and improved my knowledge and skills. Now writing blog I felt really interesting only the problem was I could not get the topics. Then I thought about my personal experience and I found Colgate was only product which I was using from my childhood and not changed the brand so I wrote on the topic Brand Loyalty.

I shared my experiment idea with my friend and she suggested me to improve my communication skills by watching English movies having subtitles. I had some movies given by our Mosh sir, I watched Mummamiya, Bend- it- like Beckham and I have Pygmalion which I'll be watching in future days to come so that my pronunciation of English will be polished. Not only 3 movies but I would watch still more movies so that I'll polish my English well.

As I stay in PG room I found some magazines there of my PG mates and I choose 'Outlook' (August 2014 issue). I started to read one article, as I was reading I could not understand the meaning of some words and pronunciation of some other, so I referred the pocket dictionary of Oxford to understand the meaning of the difficult words and also tried to know the pronunciation of the words which were new to me.

While writing the blogs, I had almost written the ten blog articles till date and as the physical appearance of blog is also important so I change the theme of blog page once in a while so it looks different and creative whenever someone opens up my blog to read. 


Yes!! Here I have got an opportunity to speak about my first teacher, the only ideal person in my life, a best forgiver, and the backbone of my life. I am talking about my mother. She was the only who loves me without any expectations and boundaries, bears all my irritation and always been my support. Whatever may be the situation she would correct me if I am wrong and then supports me for whatever I wish to be. She was always been my role model. It can be from wrapping the saari till cooking the food I always admire to be like her. According to me she is the person who always takes the right and the best decisions, a best leader. My mother would always stand firm in her decisions and words. She would always finish her work on time. She was the only first teacher of mine who was there to help me study when I was a kid and even now if in necessary if I ask her any help regarding studies she would never refuse.

My mother is not less than a god to me. If in difficulties when I remember Mother Marry and Jesus Christ I would also remember my mother and then I feel everything easy to be worked out. I would find a best friend in my mother. She is very close to me and we share all the best and worst experiences of our life. If in the hard times of my life she is the first person to approach and sought help.


         Ajekar is the sign of developing India, I could sense the growth of Indian economy by just looking at into my native.. Once upon it was just a village surrounded by nuxulaite a forest, area very interior.
Developmental signs likes flats, petrol pump, verity of shops.
My place has a beautiful history.
It has temple mosque and church situated around the distance of 0.5 km each. And thus it shows a religious harmony and feeling of brotherhood.
U may find it in Google but as I have lived here since 1994 I feel I know it a better..
It's a rural place covered by a heavy forest and wild animals like tiger Deers, Fox, Pigs,the beautiful Peacock, Parrots, Mina, Pigeon, Eagle verity of Snakes are seen a much in Ajekar..
Here we get a good rainfall as it has a dense forest area around.
Regional language spoken here is Tulu but people even speak Kannada, Urdu, Byari, Konkani, Malyalam English.

Me and My Thoughts!!

Polished mind and positive thinking has a huge impact on our life. We mostly tend to understand the little language around us inappro...