Monday 25 April 2016

My love towards ICE CREAM

Ice cream is a food which I am fond of eating. Ice cream derived from earlier iced cream, is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It is usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors. Every person in this world will have a thing which they love the most.  People are fond of items like ice cream, sweets, fruits, Chinese food, etc.

To tell about one among my favourite food, I love it most, I have it at least once in 15 days and it’s my ice-cream. I love ice-cream a lot. Sometimes I even spend lots of money or sometimes I waste time by travelling just to have an ice-cream. If my friend asks what treat I shall give, the first thing I tell is ice-cream. Ice-cream has become as a part of my life.
By having more ice-cream my health usually spoils but I still have it because love ice creams a lot.


Mistakes are common. Everyone commits mistake. 
We as human being commit mistake which either  hurt others or  hurt ourselves.
Mistakes are forgiven when they are done unintentionally. But sometimes we commit them intentionally!!!!
Sometimes we do something which in-turn becomes a fault and hurts the other person as their opinion might be different, sometimes they are unintentional. Every human being should be careful with regards to their words and actions as we are social beings.
It's necessary that we need to learn from our mistakes so that we over come them 
and commit some new ;-) .


Abdul Kalam said to have anything in reality we should dream. Every person will have good dreams but it is very difficult to achieve. Dream can be said as a new planet because it has an unconditional border. It means a person can dream to any extent. People become doctors, lawyers, politicians in dreams and some are eternal. 

According to me dream is something where we can enjoy our life. On the other hand dreams also are scary. Some people who believe in evils and think about them will also get bad scary dreams. People even some time wake up at night and shout because of bad dreams.

Dreaming is not bad but hard work is needed to achieve that dream. To tell about my dream I have a dream of becoming a HR manager where I will get opportunity to interact, recruit, train and understand  people. So I am working hard on it, in support to it I will be opting HR as my specialization subject.

To conclude I would like to tell that dreaming is not bad in support there is also a need for hard work to catch them. Each and every person should dream big.



When we human being hear the word love, we think the love of a boy and girl or man and women. People think love is only restricted towards couple. But in real world love is not to that extent, it has a wider scope, it includes love between friends, siblings, parent and siblings.

Love is unconditional because different people at different time express their love differently. Some people are even ready to give their life to help a person whom they love. According to me the feeling of heart will be within the hearts. We can tell that if people love others from heart it’s a true love because many people love others just to say that they love others it may be fake love.
Love is not only between human beings. Even animals birds love each other and they also love human beings. Many people keep animals as pet, the main reason behind this is they love each other.

So to conclude i would like to tell that the scope of love is wide and unconditional. We should feel open to tell others when we love them and suppose we love others we should keep them happy.


Life is crazy, in life people run behind everything. money, happiness, health, sociability etc. Life seems to be simple but we make it complicated by so many expectations. But ‘the most important thing is to be happy and enjoy life’ says Audrey Hepburn. To be happy we should live in the present moment and take whatever comes to our way as a challenge. It is not to be crazy behind anything, life is to be creating you and being happy.
The moment we live in make the life worth living. We not only should be happy but we should always spread happiness around us, we should make all the faces around us happy. But we can know that ‘the truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed’ in the words of Eminem. We should always try to live in our limits and enjoy life to the fullest.

Me and My Thoughts!!

Polished mind and positive thinking has a huge impact on our life. We mostly tend to understand the little language around us inappro...