Sunday 20 December 2015


Wonderful eyes reflects our visual ability, how we look at things around us i.e., nature which includes plants, animals, birds and all the beautiful creations of god. It is not only of looking and enjoying but we have the duty to protect and conserve our nature. Time spent in nature is so precious, it cannot be earned back, and only the memories will remain with us. We can learn so many things from nature. Nature has provided man with different creatures carrying the extreme level of uniqueness.
God gave me my vision; you can’t see what I see. To feel the way I feel you need to look through my eyes and See what I See. I guess it’d had no sense if we all had the same vision. We may look at the nature around us with different visions but our ultimate goal should be to protect our nature. Actual meaning of nature lies in the villages. Nature is the home for all big organisms and small creatures. In the past villages were the usual forms of community for societies that practice substinance agriculture. Now the villages are the real face of India. In villages of India we can actually see the reality of the nature which is our heritage.
To conclude, the nature around us is so beautiful that rejoices our eyes and makes our mind fresh. Here we have to protect heritage of our villages which includes nature plants and animals. We need to have a unique vision and bring a positive difference to our society.

Saturday 19 December 2015




                              PINK HIBISCUS






Tuesday 15 December 2015

Ek Pal To Ab Hamein JEENE DO!!!

    The Maestro, the student association of marketing of our college every year conducts various competitions to the students of the Institute especially to the 1st years. Various competitions like short movie, brand war, etc. are conducted every year to show the students their creativity and exhibit their talents.

   Jeene Do is a short movie shoot by my class that is 1st MBA “B” sec, JKSHIM, Nitte. Other two sections of 1st year also shoot the movies A Sec ‘Ummed’ and C Sec ‘Ehesas’. Jeene Do movie is dedicated to the girls and women who are trapped in prostitution. It is the story of the girls or women who are trapped in the prostitution, how do they get in to prostitution. There what are the situations, problems faced by them. The environment inside the prostitution racket is highlighted in the movie.

   A girl is not only got into prostitution with her own will and consent. Most of the times in the prostitution girls are brought in by kidnapping, by fooling and trapping. When a girl is into prostitution we do not know what are her feelings and emotions, what does she feels. People around her will only comment at her.

   In this short movie at the end NGO comes as the ‘Light of Life’ to all the girls, here we show how the NGO helps all the girls who were trapped by prostitution racket are brought out and given a good job and helps to live their life happily.

     So as a human being stop making gender discrimination. Think girls as our sisters and love and respect them as same as we do with our mother and sister. Our government is also working hard to stop rape cases and prostitution, let’s all join hands and stop rapes and make girl as a free bird in the society. As the citizens of India we should take the responsibility of making India a safe and ever flourishing nation and fulfill the dream of Gandhiji that any girl must be able to walk  fearlessly at night 12 O’clock on the streets of our county. 


Why do I have made this sentence..??
Yes I am talking about the way how I became brand loyal to Colgate. 
Brand loyalty is the tendency of some consumers to continue buying the same brand of goods rather than competing brands. Consumers become committed to a single brand and make repeated purchases over time. Loyal customers will consistently purchase products from their preferred brands, regardless of convenience or price.

I do not like to prefer any other brands when it comes to toothpaste. I like to use the Colgate strong teeth or cavity protection toothpaste. But if it's not available I may be compromised to use any other Colgate flavor. But if I don't get Colgate product in the shop I don't think twice. I just come back or I will go to any other shops in finding of Colgate toothpaste. Now if in any situation where I’m not able to get Colgate I really miss the taste and the freshness given by Colgate toothpaste. Soon after I get back I do brush my teeth with Colgate again to get that satisfaction.

To conclude, every market should not only focus on marketing their product but they should also build loyal customers. The main thing in every business is customer, and marketer need to keep in mind that one’s a customer is lost, he is lost forever. So marketer need to concentrate on customer needs and make customer as a loyal customer. So every business depends on how loyal customers are towards a particular brand or product.

Monday 14 December 2015


A flower of freshness, a colour of peace, a flower of simplicity… it is the Mallige of South Canara. It defines the morning beauty of nature with its white color and fragrance of freshness. Jasmine is mostly grown in southern part of India and is sold throughout the country and also exported to other countries. There are different kinds of mallige flowers. Namely Jaji Mallige, Kakada Mallige, Kasturi Mallige, Gundu Mallige etc.

Jasmine is grown in my home. It's a small source of income for my family. It's a Full year flower, grown in all seasons.  But in summer the flowers will be more.It needs a hot climate, as it is grown more in summer. Even it needs watering. Flowers are plucked from plants in the morning then are tied in tread. Morning the flowers will be small. As the sun raises and hot sun comes, the flowers will grow long.

The flowers are used for decorating, used to make perfumes, etc. It's more demanded during the marriage season. It's an important flower used in catholic marriages in India to decorate the bride.

          I would like to tell that jasmine is not just a flower it brings freshness through its good smell as well as it helps to increase the beauty of different occasions. Jasmine also helps many people as the main source of income. So jasmine serves for hunger of different people in villages and a beauty of various occasions.

Sunday 13 December 2015


ETTIN is a national level management fest organized every year by Justice K. S. Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte on 17th and 18th of October 2015 and it has been part of the Institute trading since1999. The program is conceptualized, organized and managed by the students of our college. It is a confluence of students from several management institutes throughout the country on a single forum.
ETTIN 2015 embraces the theme of innovation and sustainability. All the events have been designed to generate ideas in alternative practices to create a better world for the future generations. The fest was very interesting and enthusiastic. No one of the participants got leisure time to waste upon. They were kept busy with so many management and social activities.
Every year events were designed based on different specialization like for marketing a separate event, for finance separate event, etc. but this year all specialization were mixed in various events. The different events of ETTIN are Luminous, Ignite, Cogent, Legas and Canvas. Canvass is a communication event, Ignite is an Entrepreneurial game, Luminous is social innovation, Legas is all about artificating our ideas and Cogent is an analytical game. In this fest various groups were formed like infrastructure, event, reception, sponsorship, cultural etc. I was in the cultural committee of our institute that is Sr’jana.
My Sr’jana team
As I am a member of our Sr’jana cultural committee of our institute, I had participated in group song. My team was led by Roystan My cultural committee had given variety of cultural events like MC was done by Rishith, Sneha, Joylene and Aysha, Swathi and team performed a welcome dance, retro dance by Vandya and Karthik, Bharatanatyam by Pallavi and Ramyashree, Mono act was performed by Venkatesh and Jagath and, even Joanna and team showed their talent through dancing. Anisha, Divya and Swathi had also sung remix song for all of us.

So I would like to tell that ETTIN is not just a competition for competitors to learn, even I got many things to learn as well as I got an opportunity to exhibit my hidden talents. So this fest gave a good opportunity to all my student friends to learn many things and to exhibit my talents. 


Last Saturday evening when I was walking back home from the Institute, I was walking horridly and was literally running. On the way I found 1000 rupees note. I thought as it is someone else's money and not to grab it. Later I thought instead of someone else picking it up and misusing, I may be the right person to pick it and use it in a proper way. 

First I thought of buying clothes or necessary things for me. Then I thought of going out with my friends. Then I thought of giving the money to some needy who is really in need of money. All the thoughts were running in my mind and then I became restless. My instinct was not agreeing me to spend the money for shopping or enjoying with friends. But my desire for shopping and enjoying was also very high. There was a clash my mind and instinct.

As the money which I was holding in my hands was not belonging to me so I thought it was against the moral values to use someone else’s money. Then I was thinking how to use that money effectively. Here I found the 4 kids by the side of the road playing in a guava tree and plucking the fruit and eating. I felt those were hungry and asked them, they told they were hungry. So I took them to nearby small hotel and purchased healthy meal for them. I could sense the happiness from their satisfaction.

          But I could spend only 250 for the kids. I had Rs. 750 with me then. Then in the bus stand I found a beggar who was really unable to work and earn his daily living. I gave him 300 bucks. Then Rs. 450 was remaining, I gave it to the Samvedana Committee of our Institute, which is working hard for the betterment of the society around our institute and helping poor and needy.

Thursday 3 December 2015


The sun rays, the rays of hope, the rays of joy, happiness. The beautiful thing in this nature is sunrise. The sun rise says us to start our day with joy happiness and hope. The sun rises as a king of nature on the top of mountain, the temples, the church, the mosque, and the buildings. The day of every person starts through sunrise. It brings happiness in one’s life. Many people prefer to go for a walk during the time of sunrise.
The sunrise is not just for human beings, it also brings joy and happiness to animals, birds, plants and all creatures in this universe. Many birds fly in the sky with happiness at the time of sunrise.
To talk about religious beliefs, taking a bath during sunrise is very good. It brings freshness to one’s body. There is a saying that the sunray of sun brings blessings of god. So I would like to tell that day, happiness, joy starts through sunrise.

Me and My Thoughts!!

Polished mind and positive thinking has a huge impact on our life. We mostly tend to understand the little language around us inappro...